AZ TECH WEEKJan 15 - 20, 2024
Jan 15-20th A week of events for the Arizona startup community, organized by the community. We think Arizona can be a special place to build a startup. AZ Tech Week hopes to be a spring board for founders, VCs, and employees that will lead to more friendships, partnerhsips, and deals that grow the Arizona startup community. There is no cost to attend or host an event. The only requirement is a desire to grow the Arizona Tech community.Support provided by
Can anyone attend?
Yes! Each event will mange their own guess list so when the schedule is sent out, make sure you register as some events will have limited capacity.
Can anyone host?
Yes, anyone can host event! We only ask that the event is for the Arizona tech community and you have a desire to help Arizona startups. For more info visit the link belowHOST AN EVENT
Where will events be located?
Each event will have its location posted in the schedule. You can expect most (if not all) to be located in the East Valley
Is anyone making money off this?
No! In fact AZ Tech Week isn't organized by a single group or company. We are only motivated by growing the AZ Tech Community. There will be an opening and closing event for AZ Tech Week, for which we are getting sponsors for.
JAN 15 - 20th
coming soon